Monday, July 12, 2010


This is a topic I really don't care to much about. Let me say this though...I am very happy to have my job. I love my co-workers and have a strong work family. BUT I am so burnt out. I basically do the same thing over and over and over and over. I have worked for this office for 11 years and in this position for 7 years. It gets monotonous. With the economy the way it is and jobs are hard to come by I feel like I am stuck and when I get down and out at work I give up and slack. I am so far behind and I really need to get it together. BUT I DON'T WANT TO! I sound like a big ol' baby and I think I am. So, I want you guys to check in on me and see if I am getting my butt in gear and knocking this work out! 

I would also love to go back to school. I do plan on it soon. I lack about 9 hours and I should be finished. Yes, I know what the heck am I waiting on, right... Well, people sometimes life just gets in the way of things and it sets you back some. That is what happened to me and that will be a later post. I need to get it together and get into school please stay on me with that as well.

Sooo....what do I want to be when I grow up? I have no clue. My hubby amazes me. He is in a business that I would never want nor think to be in and guess what he loves it! I want to be that person. I want to wake up and love my job. I just don't think it happens to many people? Or does it? 

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