Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Patty Pan Squash

So, I know this is an odd topic or at least I think it is a little odd but I must talk about it. It's Patty Pan squash!! It is on the far left. It kind of looks like a flower. My hubby is calls it "alien eggs!" We had alien eggs for supper last night.  
I am not sure if you've ever eaten it but I was totally new to it and so was hubby. My family has this amazing family garden. It consists of my dad, uncle and aunt. This is the 2nd year they have made a summer garden. I have been blessed with cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, alien eggs, new potatoes, yukon gold potatoes, onions, okra, and different kinds of peppers. Our tomatoes haven't done too well.
This was what I picked the other day! It was so yummy! I have to admit though I am really freaked out by this alien egg squash! I don't really even know how to cook it. We grilled it last night. I told my hubby I tried but I lied!!  Yes, I did because it freaks me out. Does these little alien eggs freak you out too? What veggie freaks you out? If you don't feel freaked out how in the world do you cook them? 


  1. You and your dang garden have me a little green...with envy! I can't wait to have a backyard again!



  2. I have a lot of my plants in pots! I don't have much room. The family garden is huge but I have been able to plant a lot in the backyard. Post and pix about that soon. :)
